Wilderness 101 – 2021

Editorial Note: This is the first entry in JB's Journal. The Journal is a recount of JB's adventures, event participations, and other musings. This installment is a race brief of his Wilderness 101 - 2021. The Wilderness 101 is the original ultraendurance MTB event. It takes place in beautiful central PA (CenPenn), near State College - home of The Pennsylvania State University! The original W101...

CTS Progressive Power Classes 15 and 16

CTS Progressive Power Classes 15 and 16 are the final two classes in the series. They consist of a Tempo workout and your final Field Test. We know that you are anxious to measure all of those gains, so let's get to it. Editorial Note: Below are links to The Hub’s articles prior to this article on CTS Progressive Power Classes 15 and 16: Introduction to CTS Progressive Power Interval...

CTS Progressive Power Classes 13 and 14

Class 13 takes it down a notch and marks the end of intense intervals with a workout targeting the Steady State to Climbing Repeat ranges. Class 14 takes it down another notch with intervals in the upper end of the Steady State range. Make no mistake, CTS Progressive Power Classes 13 and 14 are still no joke, but you are inching closer to that final Field Test. Editorial Note: The following...

CTS Progressive Power Classes 11 and 12

What intervals do you think you'll be completing in CTS Progressive Power Classes 11 and 12? If you guessed Power Intervals, go play the lottery. That's right, Classes 11 and 12 flow right from the lactate threshold and VO2 max training from the prior two classes. The good news is that neither class is as hard as Class 9. If you made it to here, you'll do just fine. Editorial Note: Links to The...

CTS Progressive Power Classes 9 and 10

Training at lactate threshold and VO2 max commences in CTS Progressive Power Classes 9 and 10. Get ready for Power Intervals! Class 10 backs off a bit with some time trial efforts thrown in at your Climbing Repeat intensity range. Let's see what is in store. Editorial Note: If this is the first CTS Progressive Power article you are reading, as an FYI, it is a part of a series....

CTS Progressive Power Classes 7 and 8

Now up is CTS Progressive Power Classes 7 and 8. These classes round out aerobic base building with Tempo and Steady State intervals. Editorial Note: If this is the first CTS Progressive Power article you are reading, as an FYI, it is a part of a series. The initial introduces the CTS Progressive Power interval training series. The other articles are as follows: Class 1 – the...

CTS Progressive Power Classes 5 and 6

CTS Progressive Power Classes 5 and 6 target aerobic conditioning. The workouts hit your Tempo and Steady State ranges. These are the ranges where riders spend much of their time out on the road or trails. Let's dig in to Classes 5 and 6. Editorial Note: If this is the first CTS Progressive Power article you are reading, as an FYI, it is a part of a series. The initial introduces the...

CTS Progressive Power Classes 3 and 4

CTS Progressive Power Classes 3 and 4 predominately consist of muscular strength conditioning. These classes will set you up for the core of the CTS Progressive Power interval training series. That is, training at or just below lactate threshold. Editorial Note: This article is a part of a series. The initial introduces the CTS Progressive Power interval training series. The second covers Class...

CTS Progressive Power Class 2 – Field Test Verification

This article covers CTS Progressive Power Class 2 - Field Test Verification, and is the third in the CTS Progressive Power Interval Training series. Make sure to read the initial article introducing the series and the second covering the CTS Field Test.  Overview 10 minutes warmup2 1 minute Power Intervals (cadence of 110 rpms and above), 1 minute recovery after each3 10...

CTS Progressive Power Class 1 – Field Test

As indicated in The Unpaved Hub's article introducing the CTS Progressive Power Interval Training, we will post a summary of each class found in the CTS Progressive Power series. The summaries will briefly explain the intervals included in the class, and provide some tips based upon our years of experience using the program. Please see our initial article for an overview of the series or if...