Rock Cobbler 2023 Logo

Rock Cobbler

Date: February 11, 2023
All-day event
Location: Bakersfield, CA

***The summary, date(s), and/or links for this event entry are from 2023 or prior. Such information will not be updated moving forward. The Unpaved Hub intends on maintaining a thorough list of events with direct links to the actual event website, social media, or registration page. Please visit The Hub’s Events page for information on events happening throughout the U.S. and beyond.***

The following is a brief description from the Rock Cobbler Event promoter:

The world famous BMC Rock Cobbler is a stupidly hard ride bordering on a race. It was conceived by drunken madmen…on a ride…then on barstools…late in the night. The Pebbler is less stupidly hard but still a true challenge. As always we are passionate and driven to showcase dirt trails, roads and things that are neither. Shenanigans abound. We promise a unique, challenging route of lots o’ dirt and everything from MTB level stuff to easy gravel fun….In a very Bakersfield way. As is tradition, the final routes, other details, updates, rules and news will be shared with registered riders the week before the event.

Please see the Rock Cobbler Event website for more.

Check out The Hub’s Events page for other cool happenings. Sign up to receive The Hub’s Newsletter to stay in the know (at the bottom and on the right of this post).