Wild Horse Gravel Logo

Wild Horse Gravel

Date: May 20, 2023
All-day event
Location: 275 County Road 222, De Beque, Colorado

***The summary, date(s), and/or links for this event entry are from 2023 or prior. Such information will not be updated moving forward. The Unpaved Hub intends on maintaining a thorough list of events with direct links to the actual event website, primary social media channel, or registration page. Please visit The Hub’s Events page for information on events happening throughout the U.S. and beyond.***

The following is a brief description from the Wild Horse Gravel Event promoter:

Wild Horse Gravel showcases the unique high desertscape of Colorado’s Western Slope. Hosted on the luxury High Lonesome Ranch, cyclists will be treated to a country cook-out, campfire, cabins, camping – or glamping – and the best local music. In short, there will be a country hoedown to accompany the race.

In addition to being well hidden, The High Lonesome Ranch and its surrounding area isn’t open to riding year-round, so participants benefit from exclusive access to this secret stash of wild-west gravel. 

Timed from start to finish, you are still encouraged to take the ride as seriously or as frivolously as you like — the name of the game is doing a big gravel ride with friends new and old. Even those that hammer away at maximum speed will stop to regroup, taking in the views and the delicious local goodies at the well-stocked feed stations. 

Please see the Wild Horse Gravel Event website for more. This Event promoter also hosts a variety of other road, gravel, and mountain bike events to the extent you are in the Colorado-area. Check out the Event promoter’s website or search The Hub for “Outside Events” to see the other events.

Check out The Hub’s Events page for other cool happenings. Sign up to receive The Hub’s Newsletter to stay in the know (at the bottom and on the right of this post).