Michaux GRVL

Michaux GRVL

Date: September 16, 2023
All-day event
Location: 101 Pine Grove Rd (Rear Parking Lot, Caledonia State Park), Fayetteville, Pennsylvania 17222

The following is a brief description from the Michaux GRVL Event promoter for 2022:

We have partnered up with 2 great local groups for this new gravel event; Friends of Michaux State Forest and Bulldog Bike Park. Proceeds from this year’s event will be distributed to both groups, and each will be active participants in the event by running rest stops and providing volunteers along the route.

MICHAUX GRVL 2022 is a ride to be taken at your own pace and no prizes will be awarded. However, we will be offering timing on each route for those interested in their personal statistics, and results will be posted on our website following the event. The Fast may go Fast & the Slow may go Slow.

We recommend the use of gravel bikes with tires of at least 35mm for any route since some stretches of road can be chunky and there is a risk of punctures with smaller tires on the downhill sections of the courses. . . .

Please see the Michaux GRVL Event Facebook page for the most up-to-date information.

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