Now up is CTS Progressive Power Classes 7 and 8. These classes round out aerobic base building with Tempo and Steady State intervals.
Editorial Note: If this is the first CTS Progressive Power article you are reading, as an FYI, it is a part of a series. The initial introduces the CTS Progressive Power interval training series. The other articles are as follows:
- Class 1 – the CTS Field Test
- Class 2 – Field Test Verification
- Classes 3 and 4 – Driving Your Cadence and Muscular Endurance
- Classes 5 and 6 – Steady State Intervals and Tempo and Steady State Intervals
Class #7 – Aerobic Development- Tempo

This workout focuses solely on the Tempo intensity range. Not a whole lot to add here, but to say that it is a good one!
- 10 minutes warmup
- 2 20 minutes Tempo interval (stand every 4 minutes for 1 minute) (cadence at 75 rpms while sitting and 70 rpms while standing), 5 minutes recovery after the first
- 10 minutes cooldown
Interval Description
As a recap, perform Tempo intervals at 70 to 75 rpms. Try to stay seated for these. Make sure you check out The Hub’s tips on Tempo intervals in the article on Class 6. One thing to note is that The Hub finds that these Tempo efforts are a bit easier to stay within your Tempo intensity range than those from Class 6. Enjoy!
Class #8 – Interval Ladder

- 10 minutes warmup
- 3 1 minute Fast Pedals, 1 minute recovery between each
- 3 6 minutes Tempo intervals (cadence at 70-75 rpms), followed directly by 4 minutes Steady State intervals (cadence at 85-95 rpms), 2 minutes recovery between the first two intervals
- 10 minutes cooldown
Interval Description
No new intervals here. In fact, this workout is very similar to Class 6. Rather than reinventing the wheel here, check it out! It contains the interval descriptions and The Hub’s tips for completing them. The only structural difference is that you get short breaks between sets in Class 8.
Once you complete CTS Progressive Power Classes 7 and 8, you will begin the lactate and VO2 max training in Class 9. The Hub’s next article will cover those intervals.
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