Training at lactate threshold and VO2 max commences in CTS Progressive Power Classes 9 and 10. Get ready for Power Intervals! Class 10 backs off a bit with some time trial efforts thrown in at your Climbing Repeat intensity range. Let’s see what is in store.
Editorial Note: If this is the first CTS Progressive Power article you are reading, as an FYI, it is a part of a series. The initial introduces the CTS Progressive Power interval training series. The other articles cover the following:
- Class 1 – the CTS Field Test
- Class 2 – Field Test Verification
- Classes 3 and 4 – Driving Your Cadence and Muscular Endurance
- Classes 5 and 6 – Steady State Intervals and Tempo and Steady State Intervals
- Classes 7 and 8 – Aerobic Development- Tempo and Interval Ladder
Class #9 – What it Takes to Win

- 3 minutes warmup
- 3 1 minute Fast Pedals, 1 minute recovery after the first two
- 2 minutes recovery after the third
- 1 3 minutes Power Interval, 2 minutes recovery
- 1 2 minutes Power Interval, 2 minutes recovery
- 1 1 minute Power Interval, 3 minutes recovery
- 1 3 minutes Power Intervals, 2 minutes recovery
- 1 3 minutes Power Interval, 2 minutes recovery
- 1 2 minute Power Interval, 3 minutes recovery
- 1 2 minute Power Interval, 1 minutes recovery
- 3 1 minute Power Intervals, 1 minute recovery after the first two
- 15 minutes cooldown
Interval Description
No way around it, this workout is tough! We think it is the toughest of series. The three minutes Power Intervals sting, for sure.
If you recall, Class 2 – Field Test Verification include a few Power Intervals. As a refresher, Power Intervals are maximal efforts. Hammer as hard as you can, but keep the cadence high.
Tip: The coach in Class 9 suggests a cadence above 90 rpms. As stated in our article on Class 2, keep the cadence high and use one that works best for you.
While this is a tough workout, you will feel great afterwards! Power Intervals are the intervals that provide the fitness gains we aim to achieve. Be confident – you’ll crush ’em.
Class #10 – Time Trialing

- 4 minutes warmup
- 4 10 seconds Power Starts, 80 seconds recovery between each
- 3 6 minutes Time Trial efforts, 4 minutes recovery between each
- 1st Time Trial effort: Perform at the bottom your Climbing Repeat range (cadence at 75 rpms for the first 3 minutes and 90 rpms for the last 3 minutes)
- 2nd Time Trial effort: Perform at the bottom of your Climbing Repeat range (cadence at 90 rpms for the first 3 minutes and 100 rpms for the last 3 minutes)
- 3rd Time Trial effort: Perform at the top of your Climbing Repeat range (you pick the optimal cadence)
- 1 2 minutes Power Interval, 1 minute recovery after each
- 2 1 minute Power Intervals, 1 minute recovery after the first
- 10 minutes cooldown
Interval Description
- The Time Trial efforts should be performed as described in the Overview. One note here. These efforts aren’t quite maximal efforts, but close. We think of them as Steady State efforts on steroids. Just below a Field Test-type effort.
- Perform Power Starts in your hardest gear. They are similar to the Stomps from Class 3. The biggest difference is that you perform Power Starts from a standing position, as opposed to Stomps that you perform seated. Don’t worry about heart rate and cadence.
- See above for a description of Power Intervals. Our guess is that you are all too familiar with them by now.
Tip: You have probably heard this by now, but make sure that you keep your head up and keep a good posture. This not only simulates being outside, but it increases the body’s ability to take in more oxygen.
Once you complete CTS Progressive Power Classes 9 and 10 you’ll be a seasoned pro at Power Intervals. You will continue the VO2 max training in Classes 11 and 12. The Hub’s next article will cover those classes.
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